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News Press release Child Labour Decent Work Duty of vigilance Forced Labour

Looking back at the year 2023

...discrimination or exploitation, while enjoying the protection of their labour rights and human rights, wherever they live and work. The future of Asian labour migration According to the report published in early June by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) “Labour Migration in Asia: What Does the Future Hold?” migration...

News Opinion Press release Child Labour Decent Work Duty of vigilance Forced Labour

Looking back on the year 2021

...majority a resolution containing recommendations to the European Commission on duty of care and corporate responsibility*. MEPs are calling for the urgent adoption of binding EU legislation, as promised by the Justice Commissioner in 2020. This legislation must ensure that companies do not cause or contribute to potential or actual...

News RHSF actions Fair recruitment Forced Labour travailleurs migrants

Migrant workers: RHSF investigates on the field in Nepal

...of information for candidates to migration. For the Nepalese, the paper said, the death toll was 1,641, 48% of which were officially classified by the Qatari as “natural causes”. According to official statistics from Nepal’s Department of Foreign Employment (DoFE), the Himalayan country of some 29 million people has seen...

News Press release Child Labour Forced Labour

Focus on the work of weavers from the Rumah Gare community (Malaysia)

...the positioning of the products according to commercial demands. The community is composed of 35 female weavers (mostly mothers, widows or divorced) and one male weaver. They work independently and are free in the exercise of this function. Decisions about the activity are taken by mutual agreement by the community...

News Opinion Child Labour Decent Work Duty of vigilance Forced Labour

Looking back on the year 2022 A new report, ILO identified the gaps in social protection. Currently, only 47% of the world’s population is effectively covered by at least one social protection benefit. 4.1 billion people (53%) are not guaranteed an income by their national social protection system, despite the global expansion of social protection...

News Press release Forced Labour

"Behind the barcode": forced labour

On 17 December, on the occasion of the conference at the Senate on modern slavery, Human Resources Without Borders (RHSF) will present its exhibition “Behind the barcode”. The association wishes to alert public opinion about the realities of forced labour in the world. Combating forced labour On 17 December, the...

News Press release Forced Labour

Within the framework of COP 21, Human Resources Without Borders continues its commitment against forced labour.

...(11.4 million women and girls and 9.5 million men and boys). Nearly 19 million of them are exploited by individuals or private companies and more than 2 million by state or rebel groups. Of those working for individuals or companies, 4.5 million are subjected to forced sexual exploitation. Sponsors take...

News RHSF actions Costa Rica Decent Work

Interview of Paulina Torres Mora, field project manager for RHSF

...of the project: the local cooperative and our local partner Flora Nueva. Face-to-face meetings are very strategic to go in-depth with our project ensuring on a common understanding of the issues as well as alignment on the way forward toward more responsible practices.   In addition to the project coordination, I...

News Press release Child Labour Decent Work Duty of vigilance Forced Labour

Looking back to 2022 : Around the world

...29 on forced labour and Convention 105 on the abolition of forced labour. This was a precondition for the EU to sign a bilateral investment agreement. This ratification comes against the backdrop of China being accused by the international community of forced labour in the Xinjiang Autonomous Region. UN experts...

News RHSF actions Child Labour

RHSF's Action Pledges for the International Year for the Elimination of Child Labour

...indicators. Offering new tools and expanding existing ones. We commit to ensure a wider promotion of our existing Explorer, especially towards our members and via the cartoon competition as well as to add new content. Explorer is RHSF awareness-raising online tool openly accessible to all (professionals, citizens, companies…). We will...

News RHSF actions Child Labour Decent Work

Davuluri Venkateswarlu: the battle of a lifetime

...are done manually and require preciseness, delicacy which can only be obtained by children’s fingers.   Is poverty the main cause of this situation?                 Poverty definitely belongs to the main causes of this situation, but it would be false to consider it is the only one. In the early...

News Press release Responsible HRM

The NGO Human Resources Without Borders (RHSF) wins the bronze medal in the "Innovation for Business" category at the 10th edition of the 2016 Trophy for purchasing.

...the industry (working hours and level of pay, health and safety, discrimination), with significant efforts made to adapt to local constraints (intense competition between Chinese companies and the international community). HRWF has also obtained in 2015, in partnership with the IAE of Toulouse and Neoma Business School, the Atlas-AFMI (Association...

News RHSF actions Child Labour Duty of vigilance Fair recruitment Forced Labour

2021: Back in the field to identify effective and sustainable solutions

Discover our 2021 achievements! A year of action marked by the distribution of our new guide for the sustainable prevention of child labour and forced labour, the organisation of a second drawing competition in partnership with the ILO, the development of a training programme adapted to professionals and the return...

News RHSF actions Child Labour Duty of vigilance Forced Labour

"Leading the way to reduce the risk of forced labour: a Franco-Taiwanese partnership supported by RHSF

...the others. These difficulties keep migrant workers in a highly vulnerable position. To combat this situation effectively, as part of the “Lab 8.7” action-research program, and at the instigation of the Secretary General of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, French business leaders and investors with interests abroad have committed...

News RHSF actions Child Labour Covid-19 Forced Labour

Interview of Martine Combemale, President and Founder of RHSF

...we ask the different stakeholders to bring their point of view, in a spirit of co-construction. It is a kind of ‘open source’ for the common good. We are now working to get the leaders of large companies to be “pathfinders” by committing themselves on the basis of this document...

News Press release Child Labour Forced Labour

What if your pencil was a tool against forced labour?

A global cartoon competition will raise awareness of forced labour, which affects 25 million people worldwide. Common ILO News and RHSF Press Release – Cartoonists from all over the world will have the opportunity to shed light on the injustice of forced labour, through a global cartoon competition.  The competition,...

News Press release Child Labour Forced Labour

RHSF Lab 8.7: field solutions to prevent forced and child labour

On the occasion of the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery on 2 December 2020 and the International Human Rights Day on 10 December 2020, the NGO Ressources humaines Sans Frontières, which fights against child and forced labour, announces the orientations defined by Lab 8.7, its incubation laboratory for...

News RHSF actions Child Labour

RHSF's Action Pledges for the International Year for the Elimination of Child Labour

...that will capitalize on our resource center in order to expand our offer of tools and training programmes targeting professionals, volunteers, consumer organisation by 2025. We will also define and monitor the impact of our awareness programme with indicators. Offering new tools and expanding existing ones. We commit to ensure...

The story of Jaya - quiz

...possession of her identity papers and be able to freely dispose of her money. As it stands, Jaya is completely dependent on her employer. No, to be free to move around and be treated like an adult, Jaya should be in possession of her identity papers and be able to...

RHSF in the field

...Discover the competition Our actions for: PROFESSIONALS To ensure better detection and prevention of the risks of human rights abuses, RHSF trains auditors, companies (buyers, CSR professionals, HR…), public and political actors and consumer associations. The keys to our approach: A field orientation and the implementation of knowledge through practical...

News RHSF actions Forced Labour

Film debate: "Hold-up on the banana"

...spare their territories from an auction that would lead to the exploitation by oil companies of their ancestral lands”. Practical information : Free entry subject to availability Gazette Café – 6 rue Levat 34000 Montpellier Contact Aziz Ahammout – Responsable de Projets 05 31 98 19 54 –

News RHSF actions Duty of vigilance Fair recruitment Forced Labour Responsible HRM

"ReSolution" in Malaysia: RHSF's flagship "Lab 8.7" project

...Ahammout: *The “Lab 8.7” was launched by RHSF in 2020, following the establishment by the UN of the “Alliance 8.7” global partnership. The partnership was named after target 8.7 of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which aims to eradicate child labour by 2025 and forced labour by 2030....

News Press release Forced Labour

Forced labour... In France too? Let's make the invisible visible

As part of the National Day of Remembrance of the Slave Trade, Slavery and their Abolition, the Toulouse City Council in partnership with the NGO Human Resources Without Borders (RHSF) and the Committee Against Modern Slavery (CCEM) is organising an exhibition of drawings and a conference-debate on forced labour: Forced...

News Opinion Fair recruitment

Marrakech Pact - fair recruitment, a CSR imperative

...with suppliers and prevent the risks of forced labour in subcontracting chains. More information on RHSF’s Fair Trade Recruitment in Asia project. What is fair recruitment? Fair recruitment is recruitment that respects the human rights of workers – including the right to the prevention and elimination of forced and child...

Privacy Policy

Who are we? The address of our website is: Use of personal data collected Forms As part of your browsing on our website, you may be asked to provide us with personal information by subscribing to our newsletters, or by filling in our donation, membership, commitment or survey forms....

News Press release Covid-19 Forced Labour

A Chinese company facing the Covid-19 crisis: "the responsible HR project carried by RHSF has played a positive role"

...of the wearing of masks, etc.). It also distributes meals to employees during their 14 days of confinement. Does the local government provide any assistance to the company? The government provides certain aids and subsidies: Reduction in the social security contribution rate, Exemption of the company’s electricity and water bill...

News Press release Child Labour Duty of vigilance Forced Labour

Ending child and forced labour: let's make France a true "pathfinder country"

...reinforced France’s commitment to eradicating child and forced labour. In Europe, the French law is setting an example. The Commission has been working for several months on a directive that would establish a duty of care for companies operating in the Union, while the Parliament has already adopted a resolution...

News MEAE Partenariat partnership RHSF

RHSF - Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs: a constructive partnership

...years of field experience on indecent labour in subcontracting chains, was well placed to offer its expertise. Its mode of action was innovative, centred on testing pilot prevention solutions with stakeholders and sharing the knowledge gained with all those working for decent work along the subcontracting chains. In addition, RHSF...

News RHSF in the media Decent Work Forced Labour

What appropriation of the Sustainable Development Objectives by French non-state actors?

...of companies, local authorities, the world of education, NGOs and research, most of whom are members of Comité 21. It will be enriched in 2018 and 2019 by other competitions, notably by local and regional actors in the framework of a “Tour de France of SDOs” which will start this...

News Opinion Fair recruitment Forced Labour

Situation of migrant workers in Qatar: the imperative of fair recruitment

...actions in this direction: reimbursement by some companies of their recruitment costs to tens of thousands of workers, creation of visa issuing centres in the countries of origin to enable workers to sign transparent contracts in their own language before their departure… Necessary efforts, which must be accompanied by work...

News RHSF actions Child Labour

World Day Against Child Labour - "Niños de barrio" exhibition

...opening will be accompanied by a discussion with the photographer and the NGO Ressources Humaines Sans Frontières, which has been fighting against child labour for more than ten years, particularly in South America.Free admission, upon registration via the event’s Facebook page. Free admission, upon registration via the event’s Facebook page....

News RHSF actions Child Labour Decent Work

Preventing Child Labour on plantations in Panama

In Panama, child labour is a scourge in agriculture. In 2018, RHSF brought together all the stakeholders in the coffee, banana and plantain sectors, and co-constructed solutions and action plans with the actors who would implement them (farmers…). RHSF also obtained a commitment from the Minister of Labour to pass...

News RHSF actions Forced Labour

RHSF takes part in the Regional Forum of Social and Solidarity Economy

November 8, 2013 : Breakfast debate organized in Toulouse by ADEPES and RHSF as part of the Regional Forum of Social and Solidarity Economy on the theme : “your suppliers, your subcontractors : how to build a responsible and sustainable relationship”. Download the booklet on

News RHSF actions

Cartoon as an extraordinary way to fight against forced and child labour a bright, witty form will help draw people’s attention to the problem of forced and child labour”. Cartoon by Vladimir Kazanevsky, one of the winners of the 2015 cartooning competition organized by RHSF International footprint of the cartooning competition The first edition of the cartoon competition that took place...

News Press release Child Labour Decent Work Forced Labour

1st of May 2021 Labour Day...against child labour

2021: UN International Year for the Elimination of Child Labour This 1st of May 2021 is an occasion to remind us that, worldwide, 152 million children between the ages of 5 and 17 work in agriculture, industry, services… according to the International Labour Organisation (ILO). Child labour, to extract raw...

News Press release Forced Labour

Publication of a practical guide on forced labour in partnership with the Federation of Human Rights at Work (FDHT)

The National Consultative Commission on Human Rights (CNCDH) has just released its report on forced labour. In this study, it considers that France does not devote enough resources to the fight against trafficking and exploitation of human beings. The most vulnerable are, in fact, victims of modern slavery (exploitation of...

News RHSF actions Decent Work

"Human Rights and Supply Chains: What practices?" Conference at the Economic, Social and Environmental Council

...Bergeret, Director of Social Responsibility of the Consumer Goods Forum; Amélia Tiscornia, Chief Operating Officer of Scoping; Maxime Goualin, Human Rights Manager of Schneider Electric; Sarah Tesei, Director of Social Innovation of Vinci; Cyril Cosme, Director of the ILO Office for France. Animation by Sabrina Dourlens, Journalist AEF Sustainable Development....

News RHSF actions Child Labour Decent Work Forced Labour

Contribute to Sustainable Development Objectives

...Buzet Optima Chair (speaker being identified) Stands of associations and an exhibition to discover The gallery of the Casino Bellevue will be occupied by stands of associations and by the exhibition of drawings on forced labor created by RHSF from drawings from around the world. These drawings have been exhibited...

News RHSF actions Forced Labour

Conference "Global Mobilization against Forced Labor". On this occasion, Human Resources Without Borders (RHSF) will present its exhibition "Behind the barcode" at the Senate

Crédits Sénat. On December 17, the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the National Consultative Commission on Human Rights (CNCDH) will organize a conference in the Senate on the eve of the ratification of the additional protocol to Convention 29 of the International Labour Organization (ILO) on forced labour. This important...

News Press release Fair recruitment Forced Labour

Launch of a cycle of webinars: foreign workers: a responsible recruitment is possible the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund ( AMIF) of the European Union and the Region Occitanie. The content of this document represents only the point of view of its author and is his sole responsibility. The European Commission and the Occitanie Region accept no responsibility for the use that...

News Press release Child Labour Forced Labour

World Day against Trafficking in Persons 30 July 2021 Cartoonists from all over the world draw their visions of forced labour

...4.8 million are victims of forced sexual exploitation and 4 million are in state-imposed forced labour. With 2021 designated as the International Year for the Elimination of Child Labour, a significant number of cartoons also focused on the situation of children forced to work. List of honorable mentions: Thematic distinctions:...

News Press release Forced Labour

7 June 2016 - France joins the fight against forced labour - the NGO Human Resources Without Borders gives the tools to take concrete action in the field!

France has just deposited the instrument of ratification of the Additional Protocol to Convention 29 of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) concerning the Forced Labour Convention. This important protocol will now strengthen the fight against this global scourge which today affects nearly 21 million people (11.4 million women and girls...

International cartoon competition of 2021

...of the total costs of the Bridge Project is financed with Federal funds, for a total of US$17,395,138. This material does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the United States Department of Labor, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imp endorsement by the United...

News RHSF actions Forced Labour

RHSF partner of the ILO for the campaign "50 for freedom".

RHSF becomes a partner of the International Labour Office (ILO) as part of the "50 for freedom" campaign to promote the protocol on forced labour adopted by the International Labour Organization (ILO) in 2014, and ratified by 5 countries to date....

News RHSF actions Decent Work

On 11 May in Paris, projection-debate: What future for small producers in Africa?

...development in Africa. Film directed by Benjamin Polle and Julien Le Net: The evening is organised in collaboration with the Animafac and Etudiants et Développement networks and the MJE ATLAS association. The association MJE ATLAS will present their project to help vulnerable farmers in Rwanda and Haiti to set...

News RHSF in the media Duty of vigilance

RHSF interviewed by Éditions Législatives companies and local authorities by deciphering the new obligations of the law. On this occasion, the founder of RHSF, Martine Combemale, was interviewed about the practices and obligations of companies on this subject as well as the support implemented by RHSF. Read the interview. More information on the book....

News RHSF actions Forced Labour

Exhibition and Meeting-Debate "Visions of forced labour" - december 2023

...and complex realities of forced labour and child labour. To do so, it launched an international cartoon competition on these themes in order to raise public awareness. The exhibition “Visions of forced labour”, on display at the Manufacture des Tabacs Library, is the result of this competition. It is a...

News RHSF in the media Forced Labour

L'Arcidiocesi di Rossano-Cariati in azione per il progetto "Dietro il codice a barre... Libera lo schiavo!

“This project is the result of an exhibition entitled “Behind the bar codeby “Ressources Humaines Sans Frontières” and the Ligue de l’enseignement des droits de l’homme au travail”. Read the article on EcoDelloJonio, April 2017...

News Press release Child Labour Duty of vigilance Forced Labour

20 February - Launch event for Challenge 8.7: Acting together against forced and child labour

...Governments by giving them a concrete content. They alone can provide the necessary impetus, the promotion of the project, the financial means to carry it through in the long term, and finally the recognition of the community to the contributors and the dissemination of the results. Let’s act together! As...

International cartoons competition of 2015

...exhibition in the form of paintings: the price will correspond to the cost of carriage of the exhibition in addition to an amont to be discussed with RHSF. Contact us LEARN MORE Explore the realities of forced labour, the heart of the problem and ways to act at each level...

News RHSF in the media Child Labour Decent Work Forced Labour

Regional meeting for the FOOD Festival in Occitania!

...Cousin comme cochon, Hold up sur la banane, Vivre dignement de sa terre) and 2 short films (Nourrir une métropole, Consommer responsable, quelles solutions ?), but also a mini film (Les champs du possible), winner of the 2017 “Concours Jeunes” (Youth Competition) organised by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food....

News RHSF actions Child Labour

RHSF and Child Labour: Raising youth awareness is key

...unions, employers, administration – RHSF partnered with the International Labour Organization (ILO) to organize a second international cartoon competition on forced labour. The travelling exhibition was already presented during the 5th Global Conference on the Elimination of Child Labour, in Durban as well as during the 110th session of the...

News RHSF actions Fair recruitment Forced Labour

Video of the Roundtable held during COP 21 - "The effects of climate change on migration and forced labour" We are pleased to share with you the video of the roundtable on December 10 at the Grand Palais. With the participation of Stéphane QUEFELEC (ENERGIES 2050), Martine COMBEMALE (RHSF), Sylvie O’DY (Comité contre l’Esclavage Moderne CCEM), Elisabeth LAFAILLE (Caritas France), Sandra COSSART (Sherpa – CSR and PED). Description...

News RHSF actions Child Labour Duty of vigilance Forced Labour

Cop 21 at the Grand Palais: round table open to all organised by RHSF "climate change, migration, forced labour".

“Effects of climate change on migration and forced labour”. Take part in the round table organised by RHSF on 10 December from 2.30 to 3.30 pm at the Grand Palais, with Caritas international, Sherpa, CSR and PED, CCEM (Committee against Modern Slavery) and RHSF. This round table is open to...

News RHSF in the media Forced Labour

RHSF exhibition in Luxembourg

The Minister of Justice of Luxembourg, the President of Caritas Luxembourg and the Director of the Labour and Mines Inspectorate inaugurated, on 2 December 2017, the RHSF exhibition “Forced Labour. Behind the barcode”. Discover the full article on the website of the Ministry of Justice of Luxembourg....

News RHSF in the media Child Labour Decent Work Forced Labour

50 for Freedom campaign to end modern slavery

...effort by governments and activists around the world could end this scourge. Martine Combemale, President of RSHF, answers to questions of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) about the complex and invisible realities of this issue, alongside Aurélie Hauchère Vuong, coordinator of the ILO’s 50 for Freedom campaign. Listen the interview....

Work with us

...and forced labour in support of RHSF tools and projects (English and/or Spanish preferred), Support to the project on prevention of abusive labour in agriculture in France, Helping to spread RHSF resources to raise awareness of forced labour and child labour (exhibition, explorer, etc.). Support to public communication (the website,...

News Press release Responsible HRM

The NGO Human Resources Without Borders is producing the short film: "All responsible with the Social and Solidarity Economy" to raise awareness of the Social and Solidarity Economy among the general public and companies!

...organized by the French Association of Diversity Managers (AFMD) on supplier diversity. On this occasion, Martine Combemale, Director of Human Resources Without Borders, will speak at a round table dedicated to the recognition and enhancement of the commitment of active suppliers. On this topic, she will share her experience, present...

Maria's story - quiz

...threatened with sanctions because she cannot leave her employer freely (confiscation of identity payers…). No, Maria is threatened with sanctions because she cannot leave her employer freely (confiscation of identity payers…). 3. Is Maria in a situation of forced labour Maria is in a situation of forced labour because she...

News RHSF actions Decent Work Forced Labour

Film-debate "Far from the shop windows, the real fashion-victims"

...of the excesses of globalization. Several French companies took part in the resistance in Europe, led by NGOs and members of parliament. FRAMEWORK OF THE EVENT This event is part of #FashionRevolutionWeek, in partnership with Fashion Revolution Toulouse and Fashion Revolution France. Fashion Revolution is a global initiative aimed at...

Who we are

...own level, can make a contribution. International recognition Two international prizes awarded by the academic community (Best case of Atlas-AFMI 2015 International Management Case) and by companies (Business Innovation Trophy for Purchasing 2016) Support from the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs for Lab 8.7, the operational solutions incubator...

News RHSF in the media Fair recruitment

Recruitment of foreign workers - The CSR debate

...on Smart Impact (B Smart channel) is linked to RHSF’s webinar series on the recruitment of foreign workers. More information on these webinars, organised as part of the European MiraGE project (co-financed by the European Union and the Occitanie Region): description and registration. To watch the interview (from 10’24”):

News Press release Child Labour Forced Labour

RHSF launches the Explorer, an interactive platform to raise awareness of child and forced labour risks

...Humaines Sans Frontières (RHSF), a “general interest” association, has the mission of preventing the risks of child labour, forced labour and, more broadly, indecent work in subcontracting chains. RHSF relies on its international network to propose an effective field approach. It focuses its action on testing pilot prevention solutions with...

News Opinion Forced Labour

Qatar abolishing the sponsorship of foreign workers, should we believe this?

Qatar announces the abolition of the Qatari migrant sponsorship system. The Qatari system of sponsorship of migrants, hired for the 2022 World Cup for example, is accused of turning workers into slaves. For the NGO RHSF, the announcement of its imminent disappearance raises as much hopes as skepticism.  Read the...

News RHSF in the media Child Labour Forced Labour

"Child Labour and forced labour: from theory to practice"

...inspiring thematic breakfast gathering more than 40 attendees representing Government officials, private companies, investors, consumers, trade unions… RHSF’s role is to put the worker back at the centre of decision-makers’ thinking, in companies, among evaluators, in the administration, in order to ensure that new practices have a positive effect on...

Test your knowledge

...determine whether a person is in a situation of forced labour: the absence of free and informed consent on the terms of the employment relationship, the existence of a constraint, such as debt bondage, isolation, physical or psychological, triggered by the impossibility of communicating and being assisted, hindering freedom of...

News RHSF in the media Responsible HRM

RHSF auditioned by the Senate's Delegation to Companies

In the autumn of 2019, the Senate’s Business Delegation launched an information mission on responsible and committed companies. On this occasion, the founder of RHSF, Martine Combemale, was heard by the Senate to contribute to the work of the Delegation on Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility (CSR). Read the article...

News RHSF in the media Forced Labour

Mauritania have trouble to eradicate slavery

...of the last countries to abolish slavery, this pratic would still touch thousands of people. In 2014, the NGO Walk Free ranked Mauritania first in the list of countries where the proportion of people reduce to slavery was the most important. Find the article on Amnesty région Midi-Pyrénnées, November 2017....

News RHSF actions Duty of vigilance

Speech at the conference "Vigilance plan: where do French companies stand"

Global Compact France, a United Nations initiative to promote sustainable development objectives, and Business for Human Rights (EDH) are organising an event, hosted by Schneider Electric, around the vigilance plans provided for in the law on the duty of care of parent companies of 27 March 2017. RHSF has been...

Our partners

...institutions and public bodies Companies Several companies are patrons of the Endowment Fund created by the NGO. The latter is dedicated to financing projects for decent work, whether carried out by RHSF or other organisations. “Companies are being called upon from all sides to take an active and concrete part...

News RHSF in the media Decent Work

Discover the report "Appropriation of SDOs by the French stakeholders" of Committee 21!

” The report ” Appropriation of SDOs by French stakeholders” of the Comité 21 has been released. The FWP is a contributor to give its analysis on the SDO6 on water alongside several of its members. The Comité 21, the first network of sustainable development actors in France, initiated in...

News Opinion Forced Labour

UN Report on Contemporary Forms of Slavery

...environmental changes that will increase the vulnerability of certain populations to violations of their rights at work. ·        Automation, by reducing the number of jobs and the development of the on-demand economy (uberization), as this will increase the number of informal workers (60% of current workers in the world) and the...

News RHSF actions Forced Labour

Identify cases of modern slavery

Training of professionals : “IDENTIFYING CASES OF MODERN SLAVERY AND HUMAN TRAFFICKING FOR THE PURPOSE OF LABOUR EXPLOITATION”. Do you regularly receive or accompany people in difficulty, in a situation of exclusion and/or foreigners? You are in the front line for the identification of people in a situation of modern...

News RHSF in the media Duty of vigilance

Cycle of Human Rights and Corporate Accountability Webinars in 2017. To promote the implementation of the duty of vigilance, ddh, Greenflex, RHSF, Sherpa, Triomphe Consulting, Vigilance Sociétale and CSR and Development are organising this series of webinars on human rights and the duty of vigilance of companies. Read the article published on Care News, 30 October 2017...

Act with us

...explorer! And to help the movement grow, relay RHSF information on social networks : To become a voice is to carry a just cause, to be an actor of change. Join the movement! Contact us I BECOME A PARTNER By becoming one of our partner companies, your company commits to...

News Press release Child Labour Decent Work Forced Labour

Martine Combemale received the Légion d'Honneur

On January 7 at the Quai d'Orsay in Toulouse, Martine Combemale, founder of the NGO Ressources Humaines sans Frontières (RHSF), was awarded the insignia of the Légion d'Honneur by François Delattre, Secretary General of the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, for her action against child labor and forced labor...

Dimitri's story - quiz

...was no withholding of pay to force him to stay. Physical abuse is not the only type of sanction, but there is no evidence that other sanctions were applied, such as the obligation to remain in the company by withholding identity papers. 3. Is Dimitri in a situation of forced...

News RHSF in the media Duty of vigilance

Duty of vigilance: where do companies stand?

On 15 December 2017, Entreprises pour les droits de l’Homme (EDH) and Global Compact France joined forces with Schneider Electric to organise an exceptional meeting on the duty of vigilance. RHSF was invited to participate. Read the article, January 2018....

Protecting vulnerable workers - Prevent risks of abusive working conditions

...of their employee’s health. Bronze medal in the “Business Innovation” category at the 10th edition of the Purchasing Trophy Atlas AFMI CCMP Award for Best Management Case 2015 Lessons learnt and disseminated This project provides proof that an appropriate HR policy is the essential foundation for the implementation of a...

News Opinion Covid-19

Great forgotten people of the Covid-19 crisis: migrant workers

...of situations of forced labour or debt bondage, modern forms of slavery: economic problems (loss of wages, no possibility to work overtime…), health problems (no barriers to work, confinement in crowded places, overcrowded dormitories…), morale problems (isolation, total destitution, impossibility to return to their country…), security problems (prosecution by the...

News RHSF actions Duty of vigilance

RHSF presented its actions at the 2014 International Forum on Social Auditing in Beijing

...The Innovation Centre of National Cooperative Governance of Peking University, Fudan University and Jilin University Co-organized by The Organizing Committee of the China International Culture and Friendship Festival And the Institute of Administration and Management Studies (IEAM) In partnership with The French Embassy in China, OSI, SESP, SEIN, ANDRH, AGRH,...

Press enforce international labour laws and conventions. This is why we are proud to have joined forces with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on 17 June this year.”  Press contact Stéphanie Henrion : / 0033 All press releases Explore our ressources Dear journalists, To continue your exploration of...

News Opinion Child Labour

Child labour: companies are too often in denial

Following the program “Cash investigation” about “the shameful secrets of our mobile phones” broadcasted on November 4th, Martine Combemale and Guy Clavel from RHSF react to this in a article on the front page of l’Express. They express their views on the role of companies with regard to child labor...

Legal Mentions

RHSF STATUTES RHSF’s Statutes are available on request : PUBLICATION MANAGER Magali Croese, General Director Human Resources Without Borders 9 Rue du Capitaine Escudié 31000 Toulouse Email: Website design La Luciole Digitale – 106 Faubourg Lacapelle, 82000 Montauban – FRANCE Tél : 06 74 35 12 62 Site web : Hosting Infomaniak...

News RHSF in the media Child Labour

Combating child labour in the subcontracting chain: ECOVADIS commits itself alongside RHSF

 EcoVadis, the company’s CSR rating platform, announces its support for the risk prevention fund set up by Ressources Humaines Sans Frontières (RHSF). Find the full article on Focus HR, January 2018....

News Opinion Decent Work

Responsible sourcing for local communities

RHSF publishes a front-page article in the Express on responsible sourcing for local communities. Municipalities: “When will responsible purchasing become a part of public procurement? Local communities are not allowed to keep call for bids for products and services made in France. However, they could exclude suppliers who do not...

News RHSF actions Child Labour Decent Work Forced Labour

Speaker Tour, SUSY European Project

...9:00 to 11:00 : Participation in the 6th Agora organised by Midi-Pyrénées Coopdév’, Worshop workshop n°3 “Innovation and development, another way for the internationalisation of companies”. Hôtel du Département de l’Aude, Carcassonne The Speaker Tour is organised within the framework of the European SUSY Project. This project is : To...

News Opinion Duty of vigilance

What about really making accountable companies?

The National Assembly considers a bill which aims to make companies responsible in case of violation of Human rights in their suppliers. Will it succeed in making companies truly accountable? A first step, but an unsufficient one according the NGO RHSF. Read the article published in the Express on 29th...

News RHSF in the media Fair recruitment Responsible HRM

"To identify human rights risks, there are no magic recipes" (Total at the Convergences forum)

A look back at the conference “Human Rights and Business: from risk identification to action”, organised during the Convergences forum on 4 September 2017. Martine Combemale, Director of RHSF, explains why the issue of temporary employment agencies is fundamental. Read the article published on the AEF Info website, 15 September...

News RHSF actions Duty of vigilance

Great CSR Trial grips with all the facets of CSR. This year, the charges relate to the company’s raison d’être. Who is behind this innocent looking character? Is he really there for the good of the company? In the role of defence lawyer, I ask Geneviève Ferone-Creuzet! A pioneer in social and...

News RHSF actions Child Labour

"Let's look around" against child labour

On 12 June 2017, on the occasion of the World Day Against Child Labour, the NGO Ressources Humaines Sans Frontières (RHSF) opens its doors to consumers wishing to learn about child labour, learn more about the impact of our consumption patterns on this phenomenon, exchange and identify concrete means of...

News RHSF in the media Duty of vigilance

WEBINARY 2 - Human Rights and the Duty of Vigilance Cycle - Friday, November 10

...and subcontractors, with risk prevention and mitigation measures as a prerequisite : “1° A risk map for identifying, analysing and prioritising risks; 2° Procedures for the regular assessment of the situation of subsidiaries, subcontractors or suppliers with whom an established business relationship is maintained, with regard to risk mapping. “...

News RHSF actions Duty of vigilance

RHSF at the CSR Trial

On the occasion of the Grand Trial on CSR (*Corporate Social Responsibility) which will be held at the CCI (Chamber of Commerce and Industry) in Blagnac on December 3rd, Martine Combemale will intervene as an expert, in order to enlighten the court on the issue: Is CSR an alibi for...

News RHSF in the media Child Labour Decent Work Forced Labour

Supply-chain: social audits caught in the compliance trap?

Widely used by companies to protect their brands by ensuring that their suppliers comply with the main principles of respect for human rights, social audits are regularly criticized for their lack of reliability and effectiveness. For some, they even have the perverse effect of contributing to human rights violations. In...

News RHSF actions Child Labour Decent Work Forced Labour

Convergences World Forum "Zero Exclusion, Zero Carbon, Zero Poverty"

Join Martine Combemale, on September 4 at 11:15 am for her intervention on the theme “Human Rights and Business: from risk identification to action”. The 10th edition of the Convergences World Forum entitled “Together, let’s innovate for a world Zero Exclusion, Zero Carbon, Zero Poverty” will take place on September...

News Press release Child Labour Decent Work Forced Labour

RHSF celebrates its tenth anniversary!

On October 5, 2016, HUMAN RIGHTS WITHOUT BORDERS celebrates its tenth anniversary at L’Entrepôt, Paris. Ten years of action to fight against child labour, forced labour and abusive working conditions! Program of the evening 18h00 : Welcome 18h15-18h30 : The NGO Human Rights Without Borders, 10 years of action 6:30...

News RHSF in the media Decent Work

Promotion of the Social and Solidarity-based Economy

“Martine Combemale, director and founder of Human Ressources Without Borders was at the Maison de l’Economie Sociale et Solidaire (House of Social and Solidarity Economy) on Tuesday to present her association. For 10 years, in various countries around the world, she has been working for the respect of human rights...

News RHSF in the media Child Labour Decent Work Forced Labour

Promoting sustainable development

“On Saturday, November 4, 2017, Biarritz City Hall hosted the Global Compact France (initiated by the UN) and Ressources Humaines sans frontières (French NGO) for an afternoon of reflection on sustainable development. The opportunity to meet Martine Combemale, founder of the NGO, and Ghislaine Haye, Deputy Mayor of Biarritz in...

News RHSF in the media Child Labour Forced Labour

Martine Combemale : "Restoring pride to children"

She just got back from Costa Rica, and she’s on her way to Malaysia. Martine Combemale is always between two planes, two countries, two continents, defending a single cause: the eradication of child labour and forced labour in subcontracting chains. This is a huge task to which she is fully...

News RHSF actions Child Labour Decent Work Forced Labour

Unesco: RHSF participates in meetings dedicated to young people on human rights issues.

It is on the occasion of World Human Rights Day on 10 December 2015 that UNESCO is organising a series of meetings at its Paris headquarters dedicated to young people, the UNESCO CAMPUS, on major global issues. The theme of this UNESCO CAMPUS will be “HUMAN RIGHTS”. Martine Combemale, for...

News RHSF in the media Duty of vigilance

How can we contribute to the UN's sustainable development goals?

The Global Compact France, the NGO Ressources Humaines Sans Frontières and the Biarritz Town Hall are organising a half-day of discussions on the UN’s Sustainable Development Objectives (SDOs). During this event, SMEs, SSE structures and other actors from the region will give their testimonies and insights on what social responsibility...

News RHSF in the media Forced Labour

Sabir Festival: meetings on migrants, forced labour and agriculture

Caritas internationalis, Acli and Ressources Humaines Sans Frontières (RHSF) are organising a photo exhibition on decent work at the Syracuse Chamber of Commerce. Lire l’article paru sur Servizion Informazione Religiosa, 3 mai 2017...

News RHSF actions Decent Work Fair recruitment

Seminar "Work and Ecological Transition".

...part of an ecological transition based on solidarity. On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the International Labour Organisation (ILO), findings and proposals were shared and enriched during a three-day seminar at UNESCO (20-22 May 2019). Organised with the Centre for Social Research and Action (Ceras), it brought together...

News RHSF actions Forced Labour

TBS and RHSF Conference

Conference: Is my subcontracting chain respectful of Human Rights? On March 24, 2015, TBS and Human Resources Without Borders hosted a conference-debate on the theme “Is my subcontracting chain respectful of Human Rights? The questions “how to detect abuses? ” and “how to minimize the risks? ” or “What social...

News RHSF in the media Child Labour Forced Labour

Martine Combemale, fighter for human rights

Founder of the NGO Human Rights Without Borders (RHSF), Martine Combemale was awarded the Legion of Honour in 2020 for her fight against forced and child labor. “She must not enter into your office”. This warning pronounced with humour by François Delattre, secretary General of Foreign Affairs, during the ceremony...

News RHSF in the media Forced Labour

Forced labour: this slavery that doesn't say its name

...trafficking or forced labour around the world every year. France is also concerned. Martine Combemale, founder of Ressources Humaines Sans Frontières, speaks at the microphone of Radio Présence alongside Sylvie O’Dy, President of the Committee Against Modern Slavery. Listen here to the interview broadcast on April 28th on Radio Présence....

News RHSF actions Child Labour Decent Work Duty of vigilance

Great CSR trial - 2021

Are the CRS impacts good enough? On Thursday 30th September 2021, RHSF participated in the fifth Great CSR trial.  After the organisation of a forum theatre which brought to light several issues of the CSR, some experts shared their knowledge. Martine Combemale, President of RHSF, talked about the issue of...

News Press release Child Labour Forced Labour


Slavery has not disappeared. Forced labour is estimated to affect 21 million people today. Tomorrow the International Labour Organisation, ILO, is organising a symposium in the Senate. At the centre of these discussions will be new measures to combat forced labour. RSHF President, Martine Combemale answers to Franceinfo’s questions. Listen...

News RHSF in the media Child Labour Forced Labour

RHSF on the radio "France Culture"

What is forced labour, how to act and why a cartoon competition? Nadine Epstain interviews Martine Combemale, President of RSHF, in the 12:30 news programme “the hidden face of the world”. Listen to the interview (in French)...

News RHSF actions Child Labour Decent Work Forced Labour Responsible HRM

"Sustain, Now Is The Time" responsible purchasing

For Ecovadis’ annual meeting, decision-makers, entrepreneurs and institutional spokespersons will be present to compare their responsible purchasing practices and discover the latest trends. Among the speakers at this international event : Martine Combemale, Director of RHSF. More information here....

News RHSF in the media Child Labour Forced Labour

A new film festival on African agriculture as key to ethical consumer decisions

“As part of its inaugural film festival, Human Resources Without Borders (RHSF), a non-governmental organization dedicated to tackling the issues of forced labour and child labour, showed two powerful films that tell the story of West African agriculture.” Podcast available on RFI, May 2017. This is a 9min46 interview with...

News RHSF actions Decent Work

New European project: integrating migrants into the labour market

RHSF has been selected with 11 other partners, spread over 8 EU Member States, to carry out a project aimed at promoting the integration of migrant workers from third countries into the European labour market. The first step will be to identify employers’ good practices in the field of integration...

News RHSF actions Child Labour Decent Work Forced Labour Responsible HRM

Web conference on new inter-territorial solidarities

...The conclusions will be the subject of a proposals document that will be presented at the Conference on December 7 in the Climate Generations Space of COP 21 and widely disseminated during COP 21. For more information on the program of the day click here. For more information, click here....

News RHSF actions Forced Labour

New figures on modern slavery - decoding

France, 5th largest importer of products with risks. Rising estimates of the number of victims in rich countries… Do you want to understand this information, what modern slavery is all about and what your role as a consumer can be? Following the publication of the World Slavery Index 2018, Human...

News RHSF in the media Forced Labour

21st-century slaves in Europe: an emergency situation

Modern slavery is often equated with forced prostitution, but it also affects other sectors. Migrants are particularly vulnerable to the risks of exploitation and forced labour, including in Europe. Interview with Aziz Ahammout, Operational Manager of RHSF. Read the article Christianisme Aujourd’hui, June 2019....

News RHSF in the media Child Labour Decent Work Forced Labour

"How to respond to social and environmental challenges in the construction sector in Occitanie? »

On January 18, from 6pm to 8pm, the NGO Ressources Humaines Sans Frontières is organising a conference at the Institut Management de Montpellier on the theme: “How to meet the social and environmental challenges in the construction sector in Occitania? ». Find the full article on Hérault J&E, January 2018....

News RHSF in the media Decent Work

NGOs create a film festival against child labour

Human Resources Without Borders, an association of CSR and HR professionals whose aim is to promote respect for human rights at work throughout the subcontracting chain, is creating a film festival. Read the article published on Gestion Sociale, 19 April 2017...

News Opinion Decent Work

China: the government's encouraging sign after the explosion in a plant in Kunshan

Following the recent explosion of a Chinese metal plan in the city of Kunshan, RHSF highlights the government’s encouraging developments. Read the article published in l’Express on 28th August 2014....

News Opinion Child Labour

Mali: reconstruction, a chance to fight against child labour

At the conference “Together for a new Mali”, the international community, including France, mobilized more than 3.25 billion euros. The objective : to help this country revive its economy and its institutions in its post-war reconstruction. A large part of this aid will go to agriculture. A “tremendous chance” for...

News RHSF in the media Decent Work

SMEs, SSE structures, local authorities; how to contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals?

The Global Compact France and the NGO Human Ressources Without Borders, hosted by the Biarritz Town Hall, are organising a half-day of discussions on CSR, SSE and the UN’s Sustainable Development Objectives (SDOs): “SMEs, SSE structures, local authorities; how to contribute to the UN’s Sustainable Development Objectives”. Read the article...

News RHSF in the media Duty of vigilance

Duty of care and globalization: the possibility of a third way.

Economic deregulation is celebrating its 40th anniversary. Even if the founding term of globalization opened up new wealth, it was nevertheless the cause of enormous difficulties. Since 1977, policies seeking to counteract the negative effects of “deregulation” have alternated between laissez-faire and protectionism. Some believed that to limit social dumping...

News RHSF actions Child Labour Forced Labour

Discover the beautiful cartoons that won the RHSF-ILO competition on forced labour

Discover all the winners of the competition launched by RHSF and the International Labour Organization (ILO)....

News RHSF in the media Child Labour Covid-19 Duty of vigilance

Martine Combemale : « Child labour is invisible. And yet, it is present (...) even close to our home »

In the interview with France 3, the founder of RHSF explains how RHSF was created, why the year 2021 is a pivotal moment for child labour eradication and how it is possible to take and action against this scourge. Read the Interview (in French)...

News RHSF actions Decent Work Fair recruitment

Acting to combat human rights abuses

Discover the films made for SUSY (project which aims to promote the Social and Solidarity Economy) around the good practices selected in France and Malaysia. The social and solidarity economy is one of the solutions to fight against human rights abuses (short circuit…). To view the films, click here....

News RHSF actions Child Labour

Let's talk about child labour!

On the occasion of a conference on child labour Martine Combemale, founder of Human Resources Without Borders, speaks....

News RHSF in the media Duty of vigilance Fair recruitment Forced Labour

Recruitment, a significant risk of abusive work - journal of the ANDRH the journal of the National Association of Human Resources Directors (ANDRH). As part of the European MiraGE project and its cycle of webinars on the recruitment of foreign workers, the two organisations are working in partnership to raise awareness on the risks of abusive work among human resources professionals....

Make a donation

Would you like to contribute to the prevention of child labour, forced labour and, more broadly, indecent work in supply chains? Whether you are a private company, association or citizen, you can join the RHSF movement as a member or partner. RHSF needs your support to conduct research-action and awareness...

News RHSF in the media Child Labour Duty of vigilance

Why made in France is not a protection against child labor

Martine Combemale, President of Human Ressources Without Borders (RHSF) was interviewed by Europe 1. While a UN report points for the first time to an increase in child labor in 20 years, products made in France do not constitute an absolute guarantee against this practice. Read the interview....

News RHSF in the media Child Labour

Understanding, refusing and acting against child labour in the subcontracting chain

Crédits Photo : ILO Marcel Crozet Due to labour shortages and massive school closures, the risk of an increase in child labour in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic is high. Martine COMBEMALE, founder of RHSF, provides her analysis. Read the article on Ecovadis, June 2020....

News RHSF actions Child Labour Decent Work Forced Labour Responsible HRM

Participation of RHSF in the roundtable on new inter-territorial solidarities - Presentation of solutions for the Cop21 of Toulouse actors

...Borders. The book of all the proposals made in France and Africa at the end of the web conference is available here. Thanks to the participation of Enercoop Midi-Pyrénées, and to the animation of ADEPES, RIPESS Europe and the students of IEP Toulouse, our propositions are available in attachment below....

News Opinion Child Labour Forced Labour

Deforestation, a human tragedy

...Asia, cocoa in Africa…, also has the consequences of forced labour and child labour, observes Human Resources Without Borders. However, humane responsible practices are possible, with a real commitment on the part of the principals to their duty of vigilance, and an integration of work and education. Read the article....

News RHSF actions Forced Labour

Opening of the exhibition at the UN the United Nations, inaugurated the exhibition in the presence of Jane Stewart, Director of the ILO Liaison Office to the UN. Find here François Delattre’s inauguration speech and there Martine Combemale’s speech (both in English). Thank you all for this beautiful adventure which continues to travel and helps us...

News RHSF actions Child Labour Forced Labour

Responsible Investment Webinar: Encouraging Prevention Policies with Impact

...understanding the risks to encourage impact prevention policies”. On this occasion, Magali CROESE, Managing Director of RHSF, addresses the following points: Forced labour: how to assess the risk of forced labour, which indicators? Child labour: how to understand the risk, which depends on companies or shared mobilization Knowing the risk...

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Do you have any questions or would you like more information? Do not hesitate to contact us, by email at or by using the form below : we will be happy to help you and reply as soon as possible. Formulaire de contact EN First name Last name Adresse...

Guide to preventing the risks of child and forced labour

Formulaire Prevention Guide (#19) Please fill in the information below to access the prevention guide. This guide is based on field experience and complements existing reference frameworks. It is tested on an ongoing basis as part of the Lab 8.7 action research programme. This document is based on the European...