Participation of RHSF in the roundtable on new inter-territorial solidarities - Presentation of solutions for the Cop21 of Toulouse actors

Participation of RHSF in the roundtable on new inter-territorial solidarities – Presentation of solutions for the Cop21 of Toulouse actors

Published on Dec 07, 2015

The roundtable “CSR and COP21 in Africa – Stakes and solutions of the economic actors – What new inter-territorial solidarities? “was held at Le Bourget at the Espace Générations Climat COP21 on December 7 and was a great success in the presence of Martine Combemale, Director of Human Resources Without Borders.

The book of all the proposals made in France and Africa at the end of the web conference is available here.

Thanks to the participation of Enercoop Midi-Pyrénées, and to the animation of ADEPES, RIPESS Europe and the students of IEP Toulouse, our propositions are available in attachment below.

In the Paris Air Show and at the Grand Palais, drawings around the theme “Forced labor and climate change” made by cartoonists from all over the world were exhibited. The drawings are now part of our new book available here.

Thanks to all the actors from Toulouse who made this project a success: SciencesPo Toulouse, TBS, l’Adépes, Enercoop and Susy!