Editorial – Martine Combemale, Founder and President of RHSF

“The fight for human rights at work led by Human Resources Without Borders (Ressources Humaines Sans Frontières, or RHSF) is based on three fundamental ideas. The first is that there is no need to exploit others’ misery in order to have a good life. The economic and social history of the developed countries that have gradually put an end to disgraceful situations stemming from the industrial revolution testifies to this. We think that, by the same token, the globalized economy can and must eradicate forced labour and child labour. The second idea is that on issues as complex as these, any approach in black and white terms is doomed to fail. Our role is not to judge or preach, but to understand the situations of all the people involved in the subcontracting chain and lead them all to bring about change in their practices. The third idea is that each party is concerned wherever they are in the chain. The Covid-19 pandemic has once again demonstrated the vulnerability of certain populations, particularly migrants and young people. At RHSF we hope that a movement mobilizing civil society and policy makers will emerge to enforce international labour laws and conventions. This is why we are proud to have joined forces with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on 17 June this year.”
Press contact
Stéphanie Henrion : / 0033
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The ILO has also developed a media toolkit to help journalists report on forced labour and fair recruitment.
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