Drawing from the exhibition depicting child labour

Maria’s story – quiz

Maria EN

A recruitment agency offered Maria a job in an international clothing sales company. She was asked to give her identity papers and the agency promised to return them quickly. She lives on the site and housing is deducted from her salary. Employees can leave the company once a week, accompanied by the supervisor, and are paid very little (less than the subsistence minimum) on a monthly basis.

After receiving her first payment, Maria decides to leave the following month, but the agency tells her that she can only leave after five months, according to an internal document she has never seen.

From ILO case studies

Good answer!

The consent is not valid. She was not informed of the five months’ notice, which is excessive, and there is no guarantee that the agency will let her go afterwards. Employees must be allowed to leave their employer within a reasonable period of time known in advance.

No, the consent is not valid. She was not informed of the five months’ notice, which is excessive, and there is no guarantee that the agency will let her go afterwards. Employees must be allowed to leave their employer with a reasonable and known notice period.

Good answer!

Maria is threatened with sanctions because she cannot leave her employer freely (confiscation of identity payers…).

No, Maria is threatened with sanctions because she cannot leave her employer freely (confiscation of identity payers…).

Good answer!

Maria is in a situation of forced labour because her consent is not valid and she is threatened with punishment. When she agreed to work in the company, she was not told that she had five months’ notice. The confiscation of her identity papers and her confinement in the company is a threat that prevents her from leaving.

In reality, Maria is in a situation of forced labour because her consent is not valid and she is threatened with punishment. When she agreed to work in the company, she was not told that she had five months’ notice. The confiscation of her identity papers and her confinement in the company is a threat that prevents her from leaving.