“Let’s look around” against child labour
Published on Jun 12, 2017
On 12 June 2017, on the occasion of the World Day Against Child Labour, the NGO Ressources Humaines Sans Frontières (RHSF) opens its doors to consumers wishing to

- learn about child labour,
- learn more about the impact of our consumption patterns on this phenomenon,
- exchange and identify concrete means of action.
There are 168 million children working today in the world, and child labour is, in fact, closer to us than we think. Child labour is, in reality, closer to us than we think. We come into contact with it through our daily shopping, and it also exists in France…
RHSF will provide you with information and concrete elements for action, so that everyone can take action on a daily basis, at their own level and within their means!
On the programme :
- An exhibition on child and forced labour based on the drawings received by RHSF in the framework of its “Draw my Rights” competition, sponsored by Plantu.
- An information stand explaining what child labour is, its extent in France and around the world…
- But also, action trails, films, or even quizzes.
Without forgetting the most important thing, the possibility to exchange on the subject and to ask your questions throughout the event!

This event is part of the 8.7 Challenge launched by RHSF, which aims to mobilise everyone (individuals, companies, trade unions, public actors…) to eradicate forced labour by 2030 and child labour by 2025, in line with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 8.7.
For more information: our poster, our facebook event, and our contacts contact@rhsansfrontieres.org,