News » Forced Labour

Find here all the NGO Human Resources Without Borders’ news and opinions on forced labour in supply chains.

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Interview of Martine Combemale, President and Founder of RHSF

A recent report by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and Unicef, the UN agency in charge of child welfare, estimates that 160 million children will be forced to work in early 2020. That is 8.4...

Ending child labour: let’s make France a true “pathfinder country”

Tribune of the “Social Management” magazine destined to  social partners publishes the RHSF column on France’s desire to become a “pioneer country” in the elimination of child labor and forced labor. On 11 June, France announced...

Ending child and forced labour: let’s make France a true “pathfinder country”

Communiqué de RHSF et du député Dominique Potier, porteur de la loi sur le devoir de vigilance. L’engagement de la France comme pays pionnier est une occasion unique.

50 for Freedom campaign to end modern slavery

More than 25 million women, men and children are living in modern slavery situations – that’s 3 out of every 1,000 people in the world. A coordinated effort by governments and activists around the world...

1st of May 2021 Labour Day…against child labour

2021: UN International Year for the Elimination of Child Labour This 1st of May 2021 is an occasion to remind us that, worldwide, 152 million children between the ages of 5 and 17 work in...

Launch of a cycle of webinars: foreign workers: a responsible recruitment is possible

In April, the NGO Human Resources Without Borders is launching the first French cycle of webinars dedicated to the responsible recruitment of foreign workers targeting employers and human resources professionals in SMEs. Participants will be...

RHSF on the radio “France Culture”

What is forced labour, how to act and why a cartoon competition? Nadine Epstain interviews Martine Combemale, President of RSHF, in the 12:30 news programme “the hidden face of the world”. Listen to the interview...

What if your pencil was a tool against forced labour?

A global cartoon competition will raise awareness of forced labour, which affects 25 million people worldwide. Common ILO News and RHSF Press Release – Cartoonists from all over the world will have the opportunity to...

HR Professionals on the search for meaning: Take over the subject of decent work

With a solid base of knowledge in social law and in the management of the processes that govern the employment relations, HR professionals are in the best position to identify and reduce the risk factors...

RHSF Lab 8.7: field solutions to prevent forced and child labour

The NGO RHSF announces the orientations defined by Lab 8.7, its field solution incubation laboratory.

Supply chain: a human rights risk awareness tool (RHSF)

In order to raise awareness of the risks of forced labour and child labour, the NGO Human Ressources Without Borders (RHSF) is launching a dedicated tool. It presents in an interactive way the world of...