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Supply chain: a human rights risk awareness tool (RHSF)

In order to raise awareness of the risks of forced labour and child labour, the NGO Human Ressources Without Borders (RHSF) is launching a dedicated tool. It presents in an interactive way the world of...

Responsible Investment Webinar: Encouraging Prevention Policies with Impact

Investors can play a key role in the development of socially responsible projects through impact prevention policies.

RHSF launches the Explorer, an interactive platform to raise awareness of child and forced labour risks

Thanks to our Explorer, discover the world of subcontracting chains and their dangers for workers all over the world.

Martine Combemale, fighter for human rights

Founder of the NGO Human Rights Without Borders (RHSF),Martine Combemale was awarded the Legion of Honour in 2020 for herfight against forced and child labor. “She must not enter into your office”. This warning pronounced...

RHSF interviewed by Éditions Législatives

The law of February 10, 2020 relating to the fight against waste and the circular economy is intended to encourage companies to engage in a circular economy approach. The book “Économie circulaire : passez à...

RHSF auditioned by the Senate’s Delegation to Companies

In the autumn of 2019, the Senate’s Business Delegation launched an information mission on responsible and committed companies. On this occasion, the founder of RHSF, Martine Combemale, was heard by the Senate to contribute to...

RHSF and the Quai d’Orsay act together against child and forced labour

A United Nations study published on June 12 warns that Covid-19 may lead to the first increase in child labor in 20 years of efforts and progress. The NGO Human Resources Without Borders and France...

Supply-chain: social audits caught in the compliance trap?

Widely used by companies to protect their brands by ensuring that their suppliers comply with the main principles of respect for human rights, social audits are regularly criticized for their lack of reliability and effectiveness....

Understanding, refusing and acting against child labour in the subcontracting chain

Due to labour shortages and massive school closures, the risk of an increase in child labour in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic is high. Martine COMBEMALE, founder of RHSF, provides her analysis. Read the...

A Chinese company facing the Covid-19 crisis: “the responsible HR project carried by RHSF has played a positive role”

RHSF questioned Darren Li, the General Manager of Polyunion, a Chinese factory with more than 1000 employees, about his management of workers in the face of the coronavirus crisis. In 2015, RHSF’s support for this...

Great forgotten people of the Covid-19 crisis: migrant workers

Migrant workers in developing countries, but also in our developed countries, are the forgotten ones of the Covid-19 pandemic. They are being hit hard and without any social protection because of our own economic difficulties...

Martine Combemale received the Légion d’Honneur

On January 7 at the Quai d’Orsay in Toulouse, Martine Combemale, founder of the NGO Ressources Humaines sans Frontières (RHSF), was awarded the insignia of the Légion d’Honneur by François Delattre, Secretary General of the...