News » Forced Labour

Find here all the NGO Human Resources Without Borders’ news and opinions on forced labour in supply chains.

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7 June 2016 – France joins the fight against forced labour – the NGO Human Resources Without Borders gives the tools to take concrete action in the field!

France joins the fight against forced labour in all its forms and aims to protect victims.

Forced labour… In France too? Let’s make the invisible visible

The Toulouse City Council in partnership with the NGO Ressources Humaines Sans Frontières (RHSF) and the Committee Against Modern Slavery (CCEM) is organising an exhibition of drawings and a conference-debate on forced labour.

Publication of a practical guide on forced labour in partnership with the Federation of Human Rights at Work (FDHT)

RHSF’s practical guide on forced labour should give everyone the tools they need to take effective action against forced labour on a daily basis.

Focus on the work of weavers from the Rumah Gare community (Malaysia)

Working conditions in Southeast Asian countries are difficult. Faced with the risk of servitude, some populations are trying to cope with it with the support of external actors. In its documentary, RHSF highlights the project...

Conference “Global Mobilization against Forced Labor”. On this occasion, Human Resources Without Borders (RHSF) will present its exhibition “Behind the barcode” at the Senate

On December 17, the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the National Consultative Commission on Human Rights (CNCDH) will organize a conference in the Senate on the eve of the ratification of the additional protocol to...


Slavery has not disappeared. Forced labour is estimated to affect 21 million people today. Tomorrow the International Labour Organisation, ILO, is organising a symposium in the Senate. At the centre of these discussions will be...

“Behind the barcode”: forced labour

On the occasion of the Senate conference on modern slavery, Human Ressources Without Borders ( HRWB), presents its exhibition “Behind the barcode” and alerts the public to the realities of forced labour.

Video of the Roundtable held during COP 21 – “The effects of climate change on migration and forced labour”

We are pleased to share with you the video of the roundtable on December 10 at the Grand Palais.With the participation of Stéphane QUEFELEC (ENERGIES 2050), Martine COMBEMALE (RHSF), Sylvie O’DY (Comité contre l’Esclavage Moderne...

Participation of RHSF in the roundtable on new inter-territorial solidarities – Presentation of solutions for the Cop21 of Toulouse actors

The roundtable “CSR and COP21 in Africa – Stakes and solutions of the economic actors – What new inter-territorial solidarities? “was held at Le Bourget at the Espace Générations Climat COP21 on December 7 and...

Web conference on new inter-territorial solidarities

On November 20, 2015, in collaboration with RSE and PED, RHSF is organizing a web conference on the theme : Stakes and solutions of economic actors – What new inter-territorial solidarities? Join us at Toulouse...

Within the framework of COP 21, Human Resources Without Borders continues its commitment against forced labour.

In the light of COp 21, Human Resources Without Borders continues its fight against forced labour facing global warming.

Opening of the exhibition at the UN

The RHSF exhibition is inaugurated at the UN headquarters, in the presence of François Delattre, Ambassador to the UN and Jane Stewart, Director of the ILO Liaison Office to the UN.