News » Forced Labour

Find here all the NGO Human Resources Without Borders’ news and opinions on forced labour in supply chains.

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Convergences World Forum “Zero Exclusion, Zero Carbon, Zero Poverty”

Join Martine Combemale, on September 4 at 11:15 am for her intervention on the theme “Human Rights and Business: from risk identification to action”. The 10th edition of the Convergences World Forum entitled “Together, let’s...

What appropriation of the Sustainable Development Objectives by French non-state actors?

Since 2016, France has been committed to the implementation of Agenda 2030, composed of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDOs) adopted in 2015, to be achieved over the next 15 years. These SDOs renew the Rio...

Sabir Festival: meetings on migrants, forced labour and agriculture

During the Sabir Festival, Caritas internationalis, Acli and Ressources Humaines Sans Frontières (RHSF) are organising meetings on migrants, forced labour and agriculture.

A new film festival on African agriculture as key to ethical consumer decisions

“As part of its inaugural film festival, Human Resources Without Borders (RHSF), a non-governmental organization dedicated to tackling the issues of forced labour and child labour, showed two powerful films that tell the story of...

Forced labour: this slavery that doesn’t say its name

Martine Combemale, founder of RHSF, speaks alongside Sylvie O’Dy, President of the Comité Contre l’Esclavage Moderne on the subject of forced labour.

L’Arcidiocesi di Rossano-Cariati in azione per il progetto “Dietro il codice a barre… Libera lo schiavo!

“This project is the result of an exhibition entitled “Behind the bar code” by “Ressources Humaines Sans Frontières” and the Ligue de l’enseignement des droits de l’homme au travail”.

20 February – Launch event for Challenge 8.7: Acting together against forced and child labour

In line with Sustainable Development Objectives, RHSF is launching, with its CSR partner, the 8.7 Challenge to fight against indecent work.

Unesco: RHSF participates in meetings dedicated to young people on human rights issues.

On the occasion of Human Rights Day, RHSF participates in the series of meetings dedicated to young people organised at UNESCO headquarters.

Cop 21 at the Grand Palais: round table open to all organised by RHSF “climate change, migration, forced labour”.

On the occasion of Cop 21 RHSF is organising a round table open to all on “climate change, migration, forced labour” with Caritas international, Sherpa, CSR and PED, CCEM and Energies 2050.

RHSF celebrates its tenth anniversary!

On October 5, 2016, HUMAN RIGHTS WITHOUT BORDERS celebrates its tenth anniversary at L’Entrepôt, Paris. Ten years of action to fight against child labour, forced labour and abusive working conditions! Program of the evening 18h00...

Speaker Tour, SUSY European Project

From 3 to 14 October 2016, the Speaker Tour on the French territory will highlight some of the ESS initiatives, in particular the project of the Iban weavers of Rumah Gare. It will welcome two...

RHSF partner of the ILO for the campaign “50 for freedom”.

RHSF becomes a partner of the International Labour Office (ILO) as part of the “50 for freedom” campaign to promote the protocol on forced labour adopted by the International Labour Organization (ILO) in 2014, and...