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WEBINARY 2 – Human Rights and the Duty of Vigilance Cycle – Friday, November 10

Moderator : Joëlle Brohier, President and Founder, CSR and Development Theme : Risk management in CSR in supply chains is a key issue for many sectors and many companies, whether they are principals or suppliers. The...

Mauritania have trouble to eradicate slavery

Even if in 1981, Mauritania became one of the last countries to abolish slavery, this pratic would still touch thousands of people. In 2014, the NGO Walk Free ranked Mauritania first in the list of countries where...

Cycle of Human Rights and Corporate Accountability Webinars

To promote the implementation of the duty of vigilance, RHSF participates in a series of webinars on human rights and the duty of vigilance.

How can we contribute to the UN’s sustainable development goals?

Ressources Humaines Sans Frontières and the Biarritz Town Hall are organising a half-day of discussions on the Sustainable Development Objectives.

SMEs, SSE structures, local authorities; how to contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals?

Ressources Humaines Sans Frontières takes part in a half-day discussion on the role of SMEs with regard to Sustainable Development Objectives.

Regional meeting for the FOOD Festival in Occitania!

EADR-S CNEAP Occitania inter-institutional training at the Ecole Supérieure La Raque,Lasbordes (Aude) on 26 September 2017. This day organized by David Baratgin & Yves Carmichael, EADR-SI Regional Correspondents, with the support of Frédéric Faye, Regional...

Duty of care and globalization: the possibility of a third way.

Economic deregulation is celebrating its 40th anniversary.  Even if the founding term of globalization opened up new wealth, it was nevertheless the cause of enormous difficulties. Since 1977, policies seeking to counteract the negative effects...

“To identify human rights risks, there are no magic recipes” (Total at the Convergences forum)

At the conference “Human rights and business: from risk identification to action”, Martine Combemale, Director of RHSF, looks back at the issue of temporary employment agencies.

Discover the report “Appropriation of SDOs by the French stakeholders” of Committee 21!

” The report ” Appropriation of SDOs by French actors ” of the Comité 21 has been released. The FWP is a contributor to give its analysis on the SDO6 on water alongside several of...

What appropriation of the Sustainable Development Objectives by French non-state actors?

Since 2016, France has been committed to the implementation of Agenda 2030, composed of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDOs) adopted in 2015, to be achieved over the next 15 years. These SDOs renew the Rio...

Le Magazine de la Santé: Child labour: also in France

In one of their columns, the presenters of Le Magazine de la Santé explore a subject that is still taboo: child labour in France.

Sabir Festival: meetings on migrants, forced labour and agriculture

During the Sabir Festival, Caritas internationalis, Acli and Ressources Humaines Sans Frontières (RHSF) are organising meetings on migrants, forced labour and agriculture.