Who we are

An NGO experimenting in the field and sharing its expertise

Preventing the risks of child labour, forced labour and, more broadly, indecent work in supply chains: this is the mission of Human Resources Without Borders (RHSF). To achieve this, RHSF :

  • Experiments with pilot prevention solutions with stakeholders,
  • Shares its expertise with all those working for decent work throughout the supply chains (companies, public actors, consumer organisations, trade union representatives, etc.).

RHSF’s commitment is based on three convictions:


There is no need to exploit the misery of others in order to live well: the history of the developed countries bears witness to this. Similarly, the globalized economy can and must eradicate forced and child labour.


For practices to evolve, we need to understand and recognize the legitimate expectations of everyone, from the ordering company to the worker at the other end of the world. 


Everyone, at their own level, can make a contribution.

International recognition

Two international prizes awarded by the academic community (Best case of Atlas-AFMI 2015 International Management Case) and by companies (Business Innovation Trophy for Purchasing 2016)

Support from the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs for Lab 8.7, the operational solutions incubator launched by RHSF, “a unique initiative in France” (Secretary General of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2019-2022).

The RHSF Community

  • Martine CombemaleFounder & President

    Martine Combemale is RHSF's first ambassador. Since 2006, she has brought her extensive expertise in Child Labour and Forced Labour to several international projects. She has more than 20 years of experience in forced labour and child labour risk assessment in supply chains, as well as in the development of action plans involving all relevant stakeholders. Her professional experience extends across Africa, Asia, Latin America and all parts of Europe. She is the co-author of "Que Sais-Je?“ on social auditing (published in 2012). Martine was also appointed Chevalier de la Légion d'honneur in 2019 by the French government.

  • Magali CroeseGeneral Management & Head of Lab 8.7 programme

    Magali oversees RHSF’s operations across the globe that bring together corporate stakeholders, governments’ representatives and civil society in field cooperations. Magali also heads Lab 8.7 programme: it experiments adapted practices from the field to the Board room to prevent child labour and forced labour, sustainably. With more than 15 years of experience in human resources management and supply chain for multinational companies, in Europe and Asia-Pacific, Magali has a particular mastery of labour practices and associated abuses throughout the supply chain worldwide.

  • Aziz AhammoutProject Manager & Intelligence Division

    Aziz manages RHSF's Intelligence Division: he performs a continuous watch on the laws and realities of child labour and forced labour around the world. The objective is to report on the realities in the field, to give an interpretation of the situations and to anticipate the risk factors. In parallel, he conducts a research-action project in Malaysia to prevent the risks of forced labour in a factory in a relevant manner for local stakeholders. His Human Resources background and his extensive exposure to various cultures are instrumental to maintain and develop our knowledge base dedicated to the prevention of indecent work.

  • Estelle EeckemanProject Manager & Awareness-Capacity building Division

    Estelle manages RHSF's Awareness-Capacity building Division: she leads the construction of awareness raising projects and tools, and manages the development of RHSF's capacity-building programmes. She is also project manager for the RHSF experimentation in agriculture in Costa Rica. She works in close collaboration with field project manager Paulina Torres Mora, from Toulouse, France as well as on site in Costa Rica. Her experience as a jurist and project manager in the social sector, as well as her deep understanding of human rights abuses, are key to support RHSF's core of actions.

  • Hui ChenCorporate Tutoring Activities

    Hui manages the corporate tutoring activities that rely on RHSF expertise: how to perform a risk analysis, adjust HR management according to these risks... She contributed to the RHSF project, recognised by two international awards in 2015 and 2016: a 2-year immersive experience in a Chinese factory to prevent risks of abusive working conditions and deploy more responsible HR management practices. With 10 years of expertise in human resources management and social risk assessment, Hui conducts corporate tutoring especially in China.

  • Paulina Torres MoraField project manager

    Recruited in February 2022, Paulina lives in the community in complete immersion for RHSF experimentation in Costa Rica. On site, she coordinates dialogue between producers, workers and their families, but also companies to build new responsible practices. Paulina brings her intensive academic background and multiple field experiences in sociology and rural education in Costa Rica to the project run in close coordination Estelle Eeckeman. In parallel, Paulina continues to work at the Vicerrectoría de Extensión Social at the National University.

  • Charlotte DieuAnalyst and Association Development Manager

    Charlotte primarily leads awareness raising projects, communication activities and financial and administrative management. She also conducts country and sectoral context analysis and contributes to projects in the field. Having arrived as a civic service, Charlotte is now in place to contribute to the development of RHSF and to meet the challenges of a growing organisation. With a Master's degree in International Criminal Justice, Charlotte has developed her skills and versatility during her experiences in France, the Netherlands and Belgium.

  • Isabelle GrimaudHuman Resources Consultant

    Isabelle works with management to develop and implement human resources policies. She oversees the administration and management of human resources for all RHSF employees, and supports the team as it evolves within a growing organization. Isabelle holds a Master's degree in Human Resources Strategy and Management, and worked for over a dozen years in the private sector before moving to Singapore. She developed her skills during her experiences in the voluntary sector before joining RHSF in 2021 as a volunteer and then as a consultant.

The RHSF movement is also a diversity of organisations and individuals committed to decent work in subcontracting chains.


To ensure relevant, efficient and sustainable projects, RHSF places cooperation with committed actors at the heart of its action. Discover our partners.


Among these citizens and professionals, RHSF have the reliable support of volunteer members whose help, skills and time are extremely valuable.

Jean-Pierre Audouin

Consultant, philosoph

Guy Clavel
Guy Clavel


Isabelle Drouard

Head of Sector & Sustainability

Marianne Maillot

Patronage Consultant - Vision Philanthropie

Stéphanie Henrion


Sabine Prouvost


Majda Lamkhioued

Doctoral Student

Susan Baines


RHSF’s Board is composed of independent individuals from various backgrounds who structure and guide RHSF’s development according to pragmatic and sustainable principles.

Representatives of NGOs, experts and local authorities also participate in Board meetings to enrich the debate and enable board directors to make informed decisions.

Board Directors:

Advisory Board:

Annual Reports

Our detailed accounts, together with the auditor's report, are available on request.

Annual report 2021 (edition 2022) Download

Annual report 2020 (edition 2021) Download

Annual Report 2019 (edition 2020) Download

Annual Report 2018 (edition 2019) Download

RHSF in the media

Find the press reviews about our action and expertise.