New European project: integrating migrants into the labour market
Published on Nov 15, 2018
RHSF has been selected with 11 other partners, spread over 8 EU Member States, to carry out a project aimed at promoting the integration of migrant workers from third countries into the European labour market.
The first step will be to identify employers’ good practices in the field of integration and then to create a manual and a training path to disseminate these good practices.
Training courses will then be set up for employers to make them aware of the risks of abusive work to which foreign workers are exposed depending on the conditions of their recruitment. Simple vigilance to prevent
risks will be shared with employers.
A campaign awareness raising among employers and workers will be carried out in parallel on social networks to confront prejudices, promote diversity in the workplace and carry a key message: workers from third countries represent
great potential for our labour markets, providing a new workforce vital to our European economies.
The project will start the 1st December 2018.