Exhibition and Meeting-Debate "Visions of forced labour" - december 2023

Exhibition and Meeting-Debate “Visions of forced labour” – december 2023

Published on Nov 15, 2023

November – december 2023

Exhibition and Meeting-Debate – 1 December 2023

presented by Ressources Humaines Sans Frontières (RHSF) in collaboration with the International Labour Organization (ILO)

    Vasco Gargalo (Portugal)

In 2021, the non-governmental organisation Ressources Humaines Sans Frontières (RHSF) wanted to highlight the invisible and complex realities of forced labour and child labour. To do so, it launched an international cartoon competition on these themes in order to raise public awareness.

The exhibition “Visions of forced labour”, on display at the Manufacture des Tabacs Library, is the result of this competition. It is a particularly powerful illustration of the fight undertaken by the NGO and its partners against forced labour and child labour.


Cartoons are powerful tools: they can make complex messages understandable without using words and encourage people to reflect on sensitive topics.

The exhibition of the best cartoons will help people:

  • REFUSE forced labour as a severe violation of human rights that has no place in our societies. Forced labour can and must be eradicated from our economies.
  • UNDERSTAND forced labour in all its forms. Workers can be coerced into forced labour in many different ways;
  • TAKE ACTION to end this scourge. We all have a role to play! Governments must take effective measures to prevent forced labour, protect victims, ensure their access to justice.

For more information on the cartoon competition: https://rhsansfrontieres.org/dessin/


Free admission with registration at: bu-culture@ut-capitole.fr

The exhibition coincides with two important international days: International Children’s Rights Day on 20 November and International Human Rights Day on 10 December.

Contacts :

Bibliothèque universitaire de la Manufacture des Tabacs

Marcel MARTY – Marcel.Marty@ut-capitole.fr

Ressources Humaines Sans Frontières (RHSF)

Charlotte DIEU – contact@rhsansfrontieres.fr